
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

An Allegorical Tale

by Chris James

A few weeks ago, our newspaper's front page featured a dominating picture of a hunter. You could tell that he was hunter from his camouflaging, I-love-nature, attire and from the weapon that he was holding---about twice the size of your average elephant gun. Then, of course, there were the eponymous vacant eyes---the brain in lonely exile behind them---and the silly, slack-jawed grin; a perfect finishing touch to this iconic poster-boy.

“99.9 Percent” Peaceful

by John Stevenson
(published in January 2016)

After every terrorist act by a follower of the Religion of Peace, there are announcements from the media, law enforcement, and government officials.  And there’s a common thread---a seemingly obligatory disclaimer.  Those who comment, regardless of their place on the political spectrum, remind us that only a tiny percentage of Muslims harbor jihadi sentiments.  The vast majority, we are invariably assured, are peaceful and reject terrorism.

“99.9 Percent” Peaceful---redux

by John Stevenson
(published in February 2016)

In America today and in parts of Western Europe, any who speak out against radical Islamists are accused of Islamophobia and of lumping peaceful Muslims in with the jihadis.  And in some European venues, to speak against Islam is even illegal.

The Shameful, Un-American Religious Test

by John Stevenson
(published in December 2015)

The Islamic State (ISIS) seeks to rule Muslims, but it seeks to eradicate Christians.  Christians who fall under ISIS control are forced to convert to Islam or die.  They are beheaded or crucified.  Children are not exempt.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Trumpophobia on Campus

by John Stevenson

Students at Atlanta’s private Emory University were dismayed to find campaign signs “Trump 2016” chalked on sidewalks and buildings.  Some students reported feelings of hurt, intimidation, and outrage.  They felt unsafe.  They said they feared shootings on campus, thought there was to be a KKK rally, feared walking alone.  They demanded that Trump support be recognized as “hate speech.”

The Ministry of Truth

by John Stevenson
(published September 2015)

On June 17, 2015, an apparent white supremacist murdered nine parishioners at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina.  Among his possessions, police found images of him posing with the Confederate flag.

The Ministry of Truth---revisited

by John Stevenson
(published September 2015)

The actress Julianne Moore is tired of apologizing for the name of the school she attended: J.E.B. Stuart High School in Falls Church, Virginia.  She felt compelled to apologize because of the “history of racism it represents.”

The Ministry of Truth---one more time

by John Stevenson
(published October 2015)

In 18th century France, a very popular form of entertainment and celebration was cat burning.  Cats were bundled together and roasted alive over a bonfire.  The audiences included peasants and nobility alike.  They delighted at the cats howling and screaming in agony.  The practice was abolished in the 1760s.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Quod Erat Demonstrandum

by Chris James
(published November 2015) 

Ronald Reagan, addressing a controversial issue: The solution is not complex. It's simple. But not easy. 

How 'bout them "educational gap" problems, huh? Fortunately, they constitute a subject upon which I am, modestly, an expert. It's because I am blessed with an impregnable data base and an impeccable statistical model. Namely, those of your humble author's personal experience.